Fun Soldering

A simple board to create a simple color light. Great for learning to solder!!

The CR1220 batteries are kinda a pain to find. It will run off USB pins 4 and 8 and the diode is there to protect sending voltage to the battery when it's installed. If your buying LEDs, make sure they are common cathode!!

These ATTiny85s can be reprogrammed via using an Arduino Uno right on the board. Here are some instructions:

Connections: Gnd = P1-4, Vcc = P1-8, Pin 13 = P1-6, Pin 12 = P1-5, Pin 11 = P1-4, Pin 10 = P1-1

The current software turns this into a tap light that you buy from Amazon for $20. It strolls through a few colors at varying level of brightness and then has a rotating light show, to off. It also remembers the color at last power off.

v1 (white): The RGB LED leads are close together, so not bridging the contacts is difficult for a beginner. Also, The button goes to Reset, and not an input (although code could change fix that). Cut the trace that goes from the top part of the switch to Pin 1 (back side of board). Jumper from the bottom of the switch to Pin 2, and the top part to Vcc. Change the first lines of code to:

#define red 0 //PIN 5#define blue 4 //PIN 3#define green 1 //PIN 6#define buttonPin 3 //PIN 2

v2 (blue): The RBG LED leads are spaced farther apart to make it easier for beginners. The button goes to PB4, but that shares with the Blue LED (oops - code could fix that also). PB0: Red, PB1: Green, PB4: Blue, Switch = PB4

v2.1 (green): Moved the Switch to PB3, removed the battery, and rotate the LED so that the pinout matches. A mistake here is taht PB1 is not a PWM pin. PB0: Red, PB2: Green, PB1: Blue, Switch = PB3. 


This board has more connections on it, even better to learn to solder!!

This board also uses the CR1220 and can be reprogrammed. 

The current software is a dice roller, and will return a dice roll on a button press. This setup can be used as a base for lots of other applications.
